biweekly links 5-16-2018

Strange Angel Trailer: Sex, Magick, and Rocket Science: at last we get a glimpse of this historical fiction tv show about rocket scientist cum occultist Jack Parsons, based on a “too weird to be true” story.

Occult Voices – Paranormal Music, Recordings of unseen Intelligences 1905-2007: includes “trance speech, direct voices, clairvoyance, xenoglossy, glossolia including ethnological material, paranormal music, “rappings” and other poltergeist manifestations as well as so-called “Electronic voice phenomena”. Of note: Aleister Crowley speaking in Enochian.

The South’s Own Loch Ness Monster?: after the kerfluffle earlier this year of something unidentified washing up on a Georgia beach we get a full article about Altahama-a or “Altie”. I’d heard of it, but not in detail and I’m tickled that a historical fiction writer is weaving the creature into one of his books.

old fashioned black and white engraved map of the east and southeast coasts of North America, showing Florida, Cuba, and possibly the Virgin Islands. A coiled sea serpent swims just under what would become Louisiana
Map of Florida engraved by Jacques le Moyne de Morgues, published by Theodor de Bry in Frankfort, 1591. Note sea serpent slinking around the Gulf of Mexico. If that’s Altie its way out of its usual haunt. Via Wikipedia Commons.

Published by

Allison Thurman

Raised on a diet of Star Wars, Monty Python, and In Search Of, Allison Thurman has always made stuff, lately out of words. She lives in a galaxy far, far away (well, the DC metro area) with too many books and not enough swords.

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