plague diaries: a new normal (?)

I’m finally succumbing to getting a standing desk.

Not my idea. I’ve been (un)comfortably perched at one end of the dining room table and it was just fine, thank you because this is temporary. Yes, even 2(!) months this it took my husband pointing out that this state of affairs is unlikely to change soon, and when things do finally start opening up I’m still likely to do a lot of teleworking. Why not commit to it?

Things are going to stay shut down for a while. Maryland is taking its first cautious steps into Phase I but Montgomery county is too crowded and has too many infections so we’re retaining stay at home.

My guess is that it will last for at least another month, and even if we do start to open up I suspect we’ll end up with a rise in infections that will send us retreating back inside again.

I have to accept that working from home is a new normal. Not my first choice – I’m one of those strange creatures who prefer going to the office to maintain a sharp divide between home and work – but continuing to make do at the cost of my comfort and health (because a standing desk will provide some much-needed exercise as well) is just stupid.

Note I say “a” new normal. I suspect we’re going to go through several over the next year as we test the waters of the outside world and try to keep things going as best we can.



Published by

Allison Thurman

Raised on a diet of Star Wars, Monty Python, and In Search Of, Allison Thurman has always made stuff, lately out of words. She lives in a galaxy far, far away (well, the DC metro area) with too many books and not enough swords.

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