2020 in review

I hate year in review posts. Or, at least, reviews of this year. But that’s most of us, isn’t it?

It’s been a rough year. I’ve vented some here but the vast majority I’ve kept to myself. Sharing isn’t always cathartic for me and lately, it’s more like picking a scab.

So as I type this listening to Haçienda’s NYE party I’ll try and winnow out some good that came out of this year (listening to 24 hours of some of the best DJs in the world from the comfort of home isn’t that bad, for example):

I got to see my sister before the world shut down.

The last time I fenced (a competition in early March) I managed to win second:

Round silver fencing medal from Baltimore Fencing Center

I finished a short story.

I finished the mock Fortuny dress:

sleeveless pleated dress in bright sky blue
I know, kind of anticlimactic to just drop this here, but I’ve been crawling along on it since June so it doesn’t feel like there’s been some huge stopping point.
uneven hem of pleated dress, long enough to flare over the feet.
I even got the flared hem I wanted. It’s not perfectly even, but that’s the nature of creative work – it never is. It’s just Good Enough.

sleeve opening trimmed with striped white beads

I’ve rediscovered the restfulness of painting:

The dress still needs a belt. This will occupy my restless energy for at least a month.

I’ve managed to keep up with friends and family despite the distance and separation.

I’ve kept my job and my health.

Those I know who were unlucky enough to get covid got only mild cases.

There are multiple effective vaccines.

And I’m lucky enough to be isolating with the best person I could ever be isolated with.

Those of y’all who have made it through 2020—you made it. Really, anything else is icing.

2021 needs to be better. I’m crossing fingers, toes, and anything else I can cross, that it will be.

Published by

Allison Thurman

Raised on a diet of Star Wars, Monty Python, and In Search Of, Allison Thurman has always made stuff, lately out of words. She lives in a galaxy far, far away (well, the DC metro area) with too many books and not enough swords.

One thought on “2020 in review”

  1. Looks like you got a fair amount of creative work done despite this challenging year. For me, losing myself in creative work really helps to escape from the problems of everyday life. Here’s to a better 2021.

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